Hexa Cinema – tai virtualios realybės kino erdvės, veikiančios veikiantis Vilniuje, Kaune, Klaipėdoje, Šiauliuose bei Panevėžyje, o vasaros sezonu ir Palangoje. Čia galite išvysti specialiai sukurtus, išskirtinius lietuviškus virtualios realybės filmus.

Our cinema spaces use the world's most advanced VR technologies - thanks to them, the 360-degree sense of space gives viewers the opportunity to experience the highest quality cinema content in the format of the future.

Hexa Cinema repertuare – jau trys lietuviški VR filmai: virtualios realybės patirtis AŠ LIETUVA, kelionė per atgijusių Algio Kriščiūno paveikslų istorijas PLAY LIFE and pagal Vytauto V. Landsbergio knygos motyvus sukurta kosminė odisėja ARKLIO DOMINYKO KELIONĖ Į ŽVAIGŽDES.

I AM LITHUANIA - the first virtual reality movie-experience in Hexa Cinema's repertoire. This is the work of director Donatas Ulvydas, recorded with a professional 360-degree camera, which allows the viewer to travel through space and time.

Go on an unforgettable flight around Lithuania - see the enchanting beauty of Lithuanian woods, forests and dunes, the sea, lakes, rivers and streams. Together, let's rise above castles and mounds, manors and monasteries, churches and old towns and modern architectural objects.

This experience will fill your heart with love for Lithuania and will allow you to see our country in an unprecedented way.

PLAY LIFE – is a virtual reality film created based on the motifs of paintings by the famous Lithuanian artist Algis Kriščiūnas. During the movie screening, you will travel through almost two dozen paintings of A. Kriščiūnas brought to life in virtual reality, which are united by the story of a woman and a man - a story about the passing of life.

PLAY LIFE the film was created by a large team of Lithuanian cinema, computer graphics and animation professionals. The paintings of A. Krisčiūnas were recreated in three-dimensional space and became like living stories, which are voiced by developing dialogues, given meaning by the exciting choreography of directorial decisions and filled with a specially adapted musical soundtrack of the author's creation.

We have no doubt that this film will become one of the most impressive virtual reality experiences, creatively reflecting the artist's artistic thought.

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Tai virtualios realybės animacinis pasakojimas apie drąsųjį arklį Dominyką, kuris leidžiasi į kosminę odisėją ieškoti stebuklingo brangakmenio, galinčio išsaugoti jo mylimąją gėlę Svajonę nuo žiemos šalčio.

Kiekviena aplankyta planeta suteikia Dominykui gyvenimiškų pamokų apie draugystę ir drąsą įveikti baimes.

Radęs ieškotą brangakmenį, arklys Dominykas sugrįžta į Žemę, pasiryžęs dalintis įgyta patirtimi bei šiluma.

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