
Vilnius Hexa Cinema space moved to H. Raduškevičius palace near the Green Bridge, at Kalvariju st. 1.

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Hexa Cinema

EU projects

The virtual reality film "Flight over Lithuania" development and presentation to the public

UAB "Litl Baz Pictures" is implementing a project during which it is intended to create an innovative, future genre film "FLIGHT OVER LIETUVOS". The film will present the natural beauty and cultural and historical heritage of Lithuania. In a virtual, 360-degree environment, the film will show the reviving photographs of Marius Jovaišas from the album "Neregētas Lietuvos" or "Flight over Lithuania" by Arūnas Matelis, where the viewer will be able to immerse himself in the perspective of a bird. The film will be accompanied by modern instrumental music reminiscent of Lithuanian folklore motifs and a soundtrack.

The planned result of the project is to affect the viewers emotionally and by providing them with information about the nature and heritage of Lithuania, which would allow them to more consciously assess our history, existing resources and the need for sustainability in preserving them.

The project is financed with the own funds of UAB "Litl Baz Pictures" and with the funds of the European Regional Development Fund as a measure of the European Union's response to the COVID-19 pandemic in accordance with the 2014-2020 Priority Measure No. 13 of the Investment Action Program of the Union Funds. 13.1.1-LVPA-K-310 "Incentives for the sector of culture and creative industries to create competitive cultural products".

Project budget – 424,246.74 eur, and 296,930.29 eur was allocated for the implementation of the project from the European Regional Development Fund.

Name of the project - Creation and demonstration of the virtual reality project "Flight over Lithuania".

Project implementation period – 2022-07-01 – 2023-09-30.