Musical version

Musical version

Filmo nuotrauka
Musical version (Musical version)
2024-02-01, 25 min

What is the story behind the picture? Cross the boundaries of reality and find yourself in the fantasy world created by the artist Algis Krisčiūnas. It contains a heart-warming story about people, their relationships, love and the passing of life.

In the movie "Playing Life", you will travel through two dozen paintings by Algis Krisčiūnas that come to life in virtual reality.

Using modern computer graphics technologies, the artist's works were recreated in three-dimensional space and placed in an all-encompassing virtual environment.

In the almost half-hour long film, Algis Krisčiūnas' paintings become living stories, which are given meaning by the exciting choreography of directorial decisions and a specially adapted musical soundtrack of the author's creation.


In this film filled only with images and music, become your own creator – discover your relationship with the images that come to life in the film and create your own narrative behind the living stories illustrated with symbolic details. Immerse yourself in the world of dreams and illusions, depicted in the artworks of artist Algis Krisčiūnas.

We recommend the musical film (without dubbing) to younger moviegoers up to 18 years of age, families with children, viewers who value visual memory, and Hexa Cinema visitors who do not understand the Lithuanian language. Also, if you plan to see both versions of the movie, we suggest you try the Musical Movie experience first.

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